Thursday, September 3, 2009


YS RAJASEKHRA REDDY, a very popular and common name on every tongue in A.P was missing from yesterday. I was wishing for his Safeguard but no one knows, what will be the outcome. His and other body has been traced.
An efficient leader and politician itself, a worthy personality but the mystery of such happening prepare a ground full of lapses and question marks.
1- He was one of the persons questionable and might be one of those involved in the Biggest Scam of Indian corporate fraud “THE SATYAM SAGA.”
2- He may not only be responsible but a more high profile dignities hand suspected in the initial investigation reports as per News.
3- The “Satyam Saga” has become the Bone for the party.
4- Failure on the “Maoists” front is a great setback for the present govt. of A.P.
5- Such a miss happening with him, is a great setback for the investigations going on in the “THE SATYAM SAGA.”
6- The wave of sympathy will overcome the failures of govt. but no positive result will be there, just we have lost a Sanguine, Courteous, Noble & a Versatile leader.
7- His Death might be natural or he might be a victim of a big conspiracy of big fishes
These are not the allegations on anyone, but these all are my personal views, they have No direct and indirect relation with anyone and are not framed, motivated or written here to target anyone or any political party.